Tuesday, September 11, 2007

New Observations

Today after class, which I gave a presentation in, I decided to stroll along Stroget so that I could compare prices of boots and coats. I really want a good European looking coat and boots, but it is so hard to choose between all of the shops. It is amazing how many options they have out here, perhaps to much. It makes deciding much more difficult, especially when the buyer is already an undecisive person. However, as I walked, I kept noticing more and more things I still haven't appreciated. For instance, Copenhagen has a store called Illium's which houses fabulous danish designs (I think just danish). There is amazing, artful, sophisticated kitchenware and candles. I have never been so intrigued by french presses, candle holders, pots, and even basic kitchen utensils. I wanted to buy Christmas presents right then are there, and it is moments like this that I wish I could share with others back home. I want everyone to see what I am seeing, because it is simply spectacular.
Our strategy teacher told us that the Danes, and Scandanavia in general is known for being a very creative and innovative society. I believe it. I guess that employees in businesses are allowed to be more open about ideas and challenge the boss. This creates an atmosphere conducive for wonderful designs. Maybe this is also why people come to Copenhagen to study architeture. I have also observed several bedroom stores, those too with amazing looking furniture. I think Scandanavian design is becoming popular for interior decorators to use over in the States, and I can definitely see why. They seem so ahead of us. Of course, they prices are in my mind outrageous and the only reason why I haven't purchased the boots or coat I want yet is because of this factor. I need to get use of the European ease of spending large amounts of money though because in reality, the US is one of the few countries that consumers buy based on price. We look for cheap things, economical purchases, while here they look for quality. Tomorrow through Saturday I will visit four different Danish businesses and it will be quite interesting to compare and contrast.

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